wow drama is right.
you coming into the picture didn't change anything- weren't they separated when you and your hubbie met? regardless he's with you right now.
the other woman is likely going through her won issue- don't take them on as your's. wait until the court date and do things by the books- its you husbands best chance to get visitation rights and be able to build a relationship with this child.
but it sounds like the two of you are depressed. you need to work through this together and really make efforts to support each other- both of you- this isn't your job to make everything fine and happy for him, just to support and understand why this is hard for him, but he needs to realize and be compassionate about why this is hard for you too. this isn't what you bargined for when you go t married.
i'm sorry its hard- but if you two can treat this other woman compassionately and do what you can to build trust with her family relations will be much much easier...Other women drama can anyone give advice?
Oh, Hun, Its not your fault. You didnt even know! Hope everything works out.
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