One thing you need to know, When some women reach a certain age They just don't want it as much or certain meds. works the same way on women that it does on men. They also may have some issues to. Take some time to ask her, you may get your answer your self. Good Luck, BeckyHelp/advice from married/live in women?
i really don't know why she would be upset. it's not unreasonable to think that you would want to have sex with her the first day you get back and the last day before you leave and as much as possible in between. you are going to be gone for 3 weeks which is a long time to go without. have you tried asking her why she feels the way she does?
Have you asked her what the problem could be? Is her job stressful? Is she on any medication? There are alot of reasons why a woman is not hot to trot all the time. Fatigue or lack of vitamins could be the cause. A stressful job could also be the reason. Hormonal? how far is she from menopause? How long have you been together? I would begin by making sure that physically, she is OK. Mentally stable, and comfortable in the relationship. Love has nothing to do with sex, for a woman. It has very much to do with the stability and trust in the relationship. I love my husband dearly, but sometimes, I am so tired, I have a job, a home, a teenager and alot of things on my mind. I am a decade younger than your girlfriend, and I am already tired.
Try to compromise and let her know what your needs are. If she doesn't really wanna do it, then you can either accept that and love her anyway or be thankful she cares enough about you to want to please you even though she might not be in the mood for it all the time.
very difficult
If what you're saying is true, find some who loves and appreciates you. Obviously, she does not..Most women (in love) would be screwing your brains out after three weeks apart. Just a bit of advice from a female someone who knows.
for her it sound like a way to get her rocks off she don't care about you. convience is always nice to have
Is she going through menopause, sometimes women her age aren't interested in the same way she used to due to hormonal changes. .Although it's not fair to you, it's a fact of life none the less. Ask her what the problem is.Has she met someone else while you
were away? You didn't mention if her attitude towards sex with you has changed or if it's always been this way..
Communication is the best start to understanding where she's coming from.
Good for you in working hard at trying to please her,she's a lucky woman to have such an understanding man.
Sounds like the two of you need more COMMUNICATION. She has these preconceived notions of what you need and you have your preconceived notions of what she likes. You both need to talk to each other as to why you aren't so close that when you get home, she doesn't want to jump into your arms and into your pants. Then again, with the hours you keep, it's really hard to keep fanning a flame alive. Good luck.
she's menopausal !
Get a new one.
try being a little more spontaneous, it sounds so planned out.
why don麓t you ask her to read what you wrote? there could be a communication problem betwen you two. ask her when is the best time for her, or at least try to discuss your needs with her.
good luck, be patient
Dump her and come on over
Too bad there arent more guys like you !
She probably has a boyfriend, pal, and is getting plenty of sex while you are gone. The relationship is not going are not meeting each others needs. Perhaps it time to move on.
Do you understand women at all?
We need to know you before sex. That means everyday. In other words when you come home she has to acclimate to you before her desire happens.
Try to be more understanding of her brain. The flowers are just to get her in the sack and deep down she knows it.
show her this post (joking) try not asking her for sex. bring her the flowers the card. then sit and have a nice chat. don't give her any oral a kiss on the cheek is fine. then she may see what she is missing and want to give it to you as you walk through the door. she sounds a bit selfish maybe she has issues with you going away. talk to her. if it doesn't work do the above. she will be begging for some.
I do not know how long you have been married but I do know that when a person has been around a person for a number of years that they learn that persons habits, dislikes, and likes. Did she have a problem with you traveling when you first got together? If she didn't than why should it be any different than before. I know women can go through menopause or sometimes not even enjoy sex anymore. If that is not the case than she is having sex with someone else. I know if my husband is gone 3 weeks at a time, I would be ready to rip his clothes off when he steps in the door. Let me ask you this. Do the things that you used to do to make her happy make her unhappy now? If so, than she's got someone else.
She may be cheating on u.Good luck.A job where u could be home with her would help.
Go without.......just do it. I know you will suffer but really, it will make her suffer. Goof around with her, play, but then stop.....just pretend like you don't want it for a while.
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