most recently,some of us guys really have something to laugh about online and it has to do with that word called trust,anytime you gals think it is nice to ask the opinion of a socalled friend(male) about the guy you are going with,stop and think for a moment, because that friend may think that you are stooping pretty low and behind boy friend's back,dumping everything confidential to a complete stranger as he may just go out of his way to relate back to him and most of us guys are pretty good on watching out for each other's backs.just some advice!For women---this is not a question-but advice?
Maybe for little boys like you - but REAL men actually know what TRUST means. These are the same men who KNOW that women are so much more than simple objects (or ';playthings';) - and treat then with the respect and caring that they DESERVE!
Anyone who takes something told to them in confidence - and then goes around telling EVERYBODY about it - is just an immature @$$hole!For women---this is not a question-but advice?
How about I give you some advice, not all men or guys are untrustworthy, of course I think you are in the other category. But as I am always told it takes all kinds to make the world go round, Good luck in your endeavors something tells me you will get what you sow.
BLA BLA BLA what ever
maybe you should look at it as , that she trust you to give her your honest opinon from a guys point of view....
You must be the next Dear Abby.
Was there a point in posting this....
Yahoo Answers...not advice.
Not all men are made the same.
Trust? I would assume you are talking about the ';gal'; betraying her BF trust by confiding in a male friend. By running to the BF with what his GF has confided to him, this ';friend'; is also betraying trust. Which is better?
Well I feel sorry for not only your female friends, but your girlfriend (if you have one)! Because in actuality, the real reason we ask for an opinion is for clarity through the male race, which definitely isn't too clear seeing how you thought it would be noble of you to post on this site that you really don't care about the man/ woman relationship, your just looking forward to gossiping about it with other guys. Who's the real female?
i kno its advice, but rlly...some ppl that ask these relationship questions rlly dont have n e one to talk to, and dont kno who to talk to about this stuff. isnt it nice not having to dish ur whole life story to a whole new friend, but instead go online, ask the question w/out n e names, and see what other ppl think? more majority of ideas. not just one gossip girl/guy that u call a friend, who feels like she/he has to take ur side on the matter. and n e ways, this is completely anonomus (well, partically) and guys can answer girls' questions without knowing them. u see, if the guy knew the girl, then drama/gossip unfolds. this is simply just an easier way to request advice. rlly this site is no that, id have to say is pathetic. thats wat i have to say.
If you guys go around telling other guys things that a girl has talked to you about in private, then I guess it just goes to prove that most of you really are PIGS!!
That is why we NEVER trust a guy. You are worse than a pissed off best friend.
You may think that we are idiots and unaware of what you all are really like, but most of the time we tell you stuff in private just to see how long and who you tell about what we said. Just some advice!
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