I am currently in a one year relationship with a girl who I am going to be moving in with soon. This girlfriend of mine sincerely expresses her love to me and says I am the only one for her. Furthermore, she is a very HOT woman who is extremely approachable to guys and very naïve of their intentions, or she at least plays that damn card on me. And because of that, guys are a little too comfortable with her, and therefore, cross the line at times. And when the line is crossed, she just laughs it off like it’s no big deal, leaving them with the feeling that those kinds of actions are acceptable. I then approach her with my problem, and I get “you saw that?” or, “they didn’t mean anything by it!” I mean, C’mon?!?!
Another problem I have is that she has always been one of those girls who hang out with guys (one of the guys, as she says). And a lot of these guys she has hung out with in the past, WITH SEX INVOLVED, are now just really good friends of hers. Therefore, she wants to still hang out with them on a casual level. However, every time she hangs out with them, I get upset! Presumably, just as every other boyfriend would! Here is the kicker though, if I even conceive of doing the things she does, or allowing other girls to do what guys do to her, I get a load of crap and she gets really pissed off at me.
On many accounts, I have tried to express my feelings in a rational manor in order to get her to understand where I’m coming from. But she is so freaking hard headed and it is so easy to get her into her defensive mode. I have no idea what to do!!I need some advice from WOMEN...?
Well my friend even though you asked for advice from a female i'll stick my nose into this and offer you mine. Don't take this the wrong way bud but you have no backbone. If you say something bugs you that a person is doing and they keep doing it what respect does that show that person has for you? None really because a considerate person would try changing their behavior to make the person they care about happy if it was something within reason. So you have yourself a woman who does what she wants and doesn't really care about how you feel. Then she gets all fussy when you do the same thing. So there are double standards in this relationship which isn't a good sign for you my friend.
You wont be able to get her to leave her friends for you because your to late in a relationship to expect that from her. If you established that from the begging then she would understand that if she likes you and she wants to keep you she will have to change. You've been complaining to her but nothing has been done by you to make it evident that this bothers you. Have you stopped talking to her for a week told her your on a break you need some time to clear your thoughts? Talk is very cheap Ryan so you mention it to her she laughs it away and you're left bitter with an unresolved issue. Put your foot down and have ultimatums. I personally don't agree with your views about her because something you should know about human nature if she's going to cheat on you there's no reason to stop that. If she's ******* her guy friends you'll never know unless you catch her red handed so why bother get stressed out? That's how I see it. But if your that insecure that it bothers you this much you have to tell her it has to change or she can find a new bf. If you do not step up to the plate and establish this you will forever be the pardon my wording the ***** in the relationship. It sounds to me by what you've told me that she has quiet the grip on you. So I suggest you do not move in until you resolve these issues at hand and make sure your 100% comfortable with the results you get. If not your doomed for disaster. A house build on a bad foundation will eventually fall just a matter of time. Your trying to fix a house you have if you don't fix it. Timber she will go with time. Hope this helps if you have any questions or want to know anything else feel free to ask.I need some advice from WOMEN...?
If I were you, I would not move in with her. Your already having problems, and that isn't good. As a woman myself, I can tell you that
when I'm with my man, my husband now, I only have eyes for him.
Men do approach me, and I just brush them off. What would be the point for me to entertain their thoughts. I know it would hurt my
husband. I wouldn't do it anyway. I think there's more to this girl than your aware of. Don't be in a rush to move in with her. There are alot of
women out there looking for a great guy, so don't settle for someone who like lots of male attention. I think it would be a big mistake for you to live with her. In the end one of you will only be moving out and very hurt.
Well I also get a long better with guys then girls, BUT we know our limits! If she leaves them with the feeling that those kinds of actions are acceptable, then something is not right. I don't agree that girls or guys are able to do something, but totally not ok when the other does it. My opinion, but are you sure you two are completely happy together??
Hope all works out...
sounds like a trust issue. Are you able to have or hang out with 'girls'? without her raising all hell with you? if so, then fair is fair. But if you strongly feel for this girlfriend then you need to talk to her, even if you go blue in the face, and explain how what she does upsets you. If this doesn;t work then maybe she isnt the one who was or is meant for you. You have a trust issue for sure. Maybe the reason she hangs out with the guys is to make you jealous and if thats true then you are in for some hurt. Not all relationships work out, though I hope you can work out this one with her. Life is way too short to make other's jealous as she is you and way too short to lose someone you love over the jealousy bit. Good luck
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