Sunday, December 27, 2009

Women HELP only!!! ANY good Advice????

I was talkin to this girl for a year and she decided right before new years to break it up cuz she felt it was gettin boring and she didnt know whut she wanted. We kept mild contact like a couple phone calls a week for like for 5 min...but that soon died cuz I was initiating all the calls. A month or so passes and she starts dating someone else. It's been about a month and a half since I last spoke to her, and I'm starting to miss her. I want to get her back as a friend and build from there. I would like to keep it simple and call her and invite her to lunch, but i dont think she will agree just because i haven't heard from her and she's still talkin to the other guy. Assuming worst case scenario, what could I do to invite her out to something where she would go?Women HELP only!!! ANY good Advice????
It really sounds like you need to just let her go.Women HELP only!!! ANY good Advice????
Walk away. Atleast for your own sanity. Walk away.
If she's interested in pursuing just a friendship with you, I'm pretty sure the indications would be there. Alot of times, when girls are in relationships, they tend to close off everything else and concentrate on the person they're dating. I feel that if you give her space, she will realize what she's missed out on being your friend, and hopefully she'll open up communication with you again. Girls are fickle. Alot of times, our actions can mean the complete opposite ..... and i know how much guys HATE that, but hey I think that's also what you love about us =) Good luck. Be yourself, and if she's not interested, then you'll move on.
dont know
Like Teddy Pendergrass sang '; I think I better let it go. Looks like a nother T.K.O'; Let that girl ride out she is not thinking about you playa. Move on.
honestlt i should leave her go and find someone else to take out..if you do want her ask her to meet you somewhere maybe a park tell her you need to talk to her..good luck
I think that maybe you should shut your mouth for a minute and listen to what she has to say..I think you like the own sound of your voice way too much!!
You might want to invite her to a sporting event, or some other public place, for her comfort.

You might get her back at some point, but don't push too hard--that will drive her further away.
Maybe she needs some space and if you give her time she will send you some signs that she wants to be friends or even more. For now just love her from a far. She still doesn't know what she wants. If she did she would find a way to let you know.


Why not just write her a letter, tell her how you feel??? I really don't reccommend you send it. She has moved on, but, it might help if you then take that said letter, tear it up and burn (safely of course), and release your feelings...
leave it til u get over it the best thing 2 do is not contact her at all %26amp; find some1 decent
First, since you obviously need someone to actually slam the door in your face to give you the inclination that its over here goes... If you know where she works, hangs out etc just ';happen to be there'; and say when you see her ';I just happen to be in the area and thought I'd stop by and see how you were doing, being I have'nt heard from you in a while. Her facial expression would be all the answer you need to see if she is still interested in keeping you around. You could call and invite her to lunch like you suggested. If she declines (without giving a better time,date) then you know your history and need to move on. Find something to occupy your time.
In my opinion you sahould leave her alone because you will only get yourself hurt more! If she just out of the blue starting seeing this guy then chances are she was seeing him when you two were together. The way she treated you was so wrong so way would you risk being friends with her knowing that this could happen again? Date other girls you deserve better
Don't do lunch! Lunch means u want to be friends! if u want to go out to eat go to dinner! and dinner only! When u tak her home try to kiss her but don't rush things too fast!(kiss her only if u KNO she's NOT datein' anyone!) Tell me if it works!!!!

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