Thursday, December 31, 2009

Women Only plz....kinda gross, but need advice!?

Today when my husband and I were having sex there was a kinda a maroon/brown discharge its not my period it was kinda thick kinda goopy, but its never happened before. Has this ever happened to anyone and what is it?Women Only plz....kinda gross, but need advice!?
The other ladies are likely wrong. An STD will not generally present itself with old blood. Many STDs don't have any symptoms at all. This is - as the other poster said - old blood, it could come from your last period - you could be spotting between periods - you could be pregnant and spotting - like if you were supposed to get your period and it didn't come on time and then you spot a day here or there and then realize you're pregnant AND some IUD and other birth controls can cause some bleeding and if it doesn't come out right away it will be maroon/brown.

If you have sypmtoms with this like cramping, a bad smell, terrible itching or something more then I would see your OBGYN but old blood is nothing to get too uptight about.

Good luck.Women Only plz....kinda gross, but need advice!?
Its most likely OLD blood left over from your period. If it happens again or you notice any changes down there, of course see ur dr!
You need to see a doctor immediately! it could be an std.
that could very well be an std so i would def get that checked out by the doctor
go to the doc and find out. it could be a std.
nuthin to worry's what's left of your last period.

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